Wahnsinn und Methode – Ist der "Kaiser der Theorie" nackt?
Maurice Erb
April 27, 2023 editorial review CC BY 4.0 bilingual |
Keywords: archaeology | discourse analysis | foucault | genealogy | humanities | methodology | theory
Re-Patriarchisation of Female Bodies: Nationalism and Abortion Crisis in Poland
Eva Modebadze
November 06, 2020 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: body politics | far-right politics | feminism | nationalism | poland | reproductive rights
Coronavirus and Responsibilization: An Italian Experience
Todor Hristov
July 02, 2020 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: biopolitics | coronavirus | covid-19 | pandemic | responsibility | risk | security
Understanding the Coronavirus Pandemic with Foucault?
Philipp Sarasin
March 31, 2020 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: biopolitics | coronavirus | discipline | freedom | governmentality | pandemic
Kirsten Hasberg
November 22, 2019 CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: applied philosophy | biopower | energopower | genealogy | infopower
Foucault und die Frage des Politischen: Eine Bestandsaufnahme
Ralph Schwarzenbacher
September 30, 2019 editorial review CC BY 4.0 |
Keywords: critique | political theory | politics | power | resistance | truth