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New in G+C: Group Interview by Colin Koopman on Archival Work and the Concept of the Archive

Prysyazhnyuk, Carolina. Archive. March 21, 2014. Source: flickr (

This article is based on a transcription of a roundtable conversation on archival work and the concept of the archive held at the Fourth Meeting of the Critical Genealogies Workshop in Richmond, Virginia, on October 21, 2022. The roundtable panelists were Ladelle McWhorter, Kevin Olson, Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson, Perry Zurn, and William A.B. Parkhurst, all in conversation with the roundtable's moderator, Colin Koopman.

Koopman, Colin. "Roundtable on the Archive: A Group Discussion from the Fourth Critical Genealogies Workshop (Richmond, VA, 2022)." Genealogy+Critique 9, no. 1 (2023): 1–29. DOI: 10.16995/gc.10225

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