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New Special Collection in Le foucaldien: "Politics of Truth"

This ongoing special collection (edited by Gerald Posselt and Sergej Seitz) analyzes the relation of truth and politics from a historical and systematic perspective. According to the popular diagnosis of a "post-truth age," truth seems currently under attack in the political realm. This diagnosis, however, is but a symptom of a broader problematization of truth that calls for theoretical scrutiny. Against the common tendency of conceiving truth and politics as mutually exclusive terms, the contributions of this collection proceed from Foucault's assumption that truth and politics are intrinsically interlinked with each other. Every epoch, culture, and society has its specific politics of truth that have to be examined if we want to understand the current predicament of truth.

Gerald Posselt and Sergej Seitz (eds.): "Politics of Truth," in: Le foucaldien, 6/1 (2020), URL:

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