Motive, Zielgruppen, Profile: Paul Lazarsfelds frühe Studien in Wien um 1930
Simon Ganahl
July 02, 2018 CC BY 4.0 |
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Keywords: dispositif | lazarsfeld | marketing | motive | profile | radio | target group | vienna
Simon Ganahl: "Motive, Zielgruppen, Profile: Paul Lazarsfelds frühe Studien in Wien um 1930" (Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen der Tagung "Philosophie und Psychologie: Systematische und historische Perspektiven" am 8. Dezember 2017 an der Universität Wien)
Before Paul Lazarsfeld became a major figure in 20th-century American sociology, he tried to make a living as a social researcher in Vienna. In 1931, he founded the Economic-Psychological Research Bureau, which linked statistical studies with in-depth interviews in order to reveal the "true motives" for purchasing behaviors. This so-called motivation research came to be a key technique in post-war marketing. My talk will show examples of Lazarsfeld's Viennese studies and mainly focus on a survey of Austrian radio listeners from 1932. By correlating radio programs with social class, this study broke the mass audience down into specific target groups for the very first time.